Sunday, 22 January 2012

Fire Child Part 34

“Any survivors?” asked Michael, already knowing the answer.
  “No, they were all dead long before we arrived.  From what we could determine from the scans, it appears the building’s deterioration originated from the labs, then moved to the pens, probably freeing the durandals,” said the Tech Expert.
  “The cause?”
  “That’s where it gets a bit strange.  Several crucial support beams were melted and the labs and pens show extensive fire damage.”
  “An accident in the lab?” asked Michael, knowing he was being optimistic.
  “It’s unlikely.  The lab shouldn’t have had anything that could have caused flames to burn at the intensity needed to cause the damage we’ve found.”
  Michael sighed.  “Tell the men to get ready to move out.”
  “Um, we also found something else,” said Tech Expert clearly unnerved.
  “Are you familiar with the outpost livestock tunnels?”
  “No, history was never really my strong suit.”
“When the outposts were first founded, we had not yet developed our teleportation technology.  So our ancestors dug massive tunnels through which they could transport the durandals to the pens.”
  “Why have I never heard of these tunnels?  They’re a security hazard.”
  “Probably because our ancestors collapsed the tunnels when teleportation was invented.”
  “Well, that was a wonderful history lesson.  Care to get to the point?”
  “This outpost’s livestock tunnel has been burned open.”
  “I can’t explain it, rocks were literally turned to magma.  The heat needed to create molten rock . . . could it be that the rumours are true?”
  “And what rumours would that be?” asked Michael dryly.
  “About the signal from Earth, the warning that the Fire Child has returned.”
  “Don’t be an idiot.  The Fire Child is nothing but a myth.”
  “But this was not natural!” insisted the Tech Expert.
  “Magic is not natural!  Any number of demons could have pulled this off!  Let’s say, the Fire Child does exist.  How exactly did our ancestors, with their primitive tech, manage to steal him from Persephone of a Thousand Forms?  And why hasn’t she sought vengeance for it?  She is a Dannar, they are not known for their tolerance.  Dammit man, think for yourself!”
  “I . . . I’m sorry, sir.”
  “No, I’m sorry.  That was a bit harsh, but that damned rumour has been causing more trouble than you can possibly imagine.”
  “I think I understand.  I’ll go relay that order of yours now,” said the Tech Expert before rushing off.
  Michael sighed.  “The press is going to have a field day if they find out about this.  The Fire Child, they’re right, he is the end, the end of my social life.” 

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